
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

Known AWE issues after upgrading to EFT v7.4.7 from earlier versions of EFT

Karla Marsh


  • EFT v7.4.7 and later


In EFT v7.4.7, the Advanced Workflow Engine was upgraded from v8 to v10.7.100.4. Because of big changes between versions, several upgrade issues may be encountered when upgrading EFT from v7.4.5 to any later version. Each of the known issues is described below.

  • When you upgrade from an earlier EFT version to version 7.4.7 or later, a message will appear stating that "Old format Advanced Workflow (AWE) tasks detected!" The old tasks will be backed up and then converted to the new format. The converted task will not be compatible with older EFT versions. Select the "I understand..." check box, then click Next to proceed. In Silent installations or after importing older versions of AWE tasks, the AWE task will not be updated until you open it in the Task Builder.

372420 - Send email action fails when used with On Error after upgrading from Automate 8 to Automate 10

(Related to 366436 - AWE "On Error" action email failures after upgrading EFT)

Email notifications won't be sent when an action fails and the Send email action is used within the "On Error" tab in AWE 10.

Severity: Medium

Resolution: The issue has been fixed in AWE Hotfix EFT v7.4.9.11.


Upgrade to EFT v7.4.9.11 or later, or do one of the following: 

  • Remove the “Send email” action from “On Error” tab in AWE 

  • Add an EFT “Send Email” Action in the Event Rule and continue with next step

372430 - Change Folder is appending to Home Folder path (SFTP Only)

The FTP change folder action for SFTP connections will append the user' home folder to user’s landing path.

Severity: Medium

Resolution: The issue has been fixed in AWE Hotfix EFT v7.4.9.11.

Workaround: Upgrade to EFT v7.4.9.11 or later

372415 - BASIC Action requires "Set" keyword

AWE 10 now requires the use of the "Set" keyword to assigning values to object properties. Not using the “Set” keyword will cause the AWE 10 engine to throw an error and halt the execution.

Severity: High

Resolution: This is not an issue but rather a new behavior of AWE 10.

Workaround: Refactor existing code by appending the keyword "Set" when assigning a value to a variable or object property for any BASIC script actions.

372410 - Remove characters is now case-sensitive

Removing characters in AWE10 is now case-sensitive instead of case-insensitive as it was in AWE 8

Severity: Low

Resolution: This is not an issue but rather a new behavior of AWE 10.


This code will not replace “j” on AWE 10.

Add a second Remove character action using the upper/lower case option to avoid case- sensitive issues.

370542 - SITE_STATUS is now read-only and can’t be modified

AWE10 does not allow to modify existing site variable SITE_STATUS as now this parameter is marked as read only.

Severity: Low

Resolution: This is not an issue but rather a new behavior of AWE 10.


The following code will throw an error on line 2:

Change the variable name to a different variable:

369290 - AWE task failing with "Task Failure" despite the step succeed on the first retry

AWE10 will fail a task when the task as error even if the task succeeds in the 1st retry.

Severity: High


There is currently no fix for this issue. The Globalscape tech support team is working on a solution to include in a future update.


Using Retry option as error handling under “On Error” may cause issues and halt AWE execution causing false positives.

Set "On Error Continue to Next step" and add "If last step fails" action then stop Task with Error

Note: This issue only affects the error handling of the action; however, the state of the last step is not affected by this issue. By ignoring the error whether such errors were from the retry or truly errors, the if last step condition will handle the continuation or throw an error when all retries are used from the action.

372421 - AWE 10 uses GoTo Label different than AWE 8

AWE 10 behaves differently than AWE 8 when using Goto Label actions. When an error occurs the engine will step into the label action and execute it ( label action is now considered as a step) then it steps into the next step as opposed to AWE 8 where the engine steps into the first step under the Goto label action. This could affect with the AMError object as stepping into the Label it will reset the value of the last step and AMError object.

Severity: High

Resolution: This is not an issue but rather a new behavior of AWE 10.


The following code shows how AWE 8 was executing:

Use “Set Variable” action with a user-defined variable and assign the value of the AMError.* to it, then use the user-defined variable on subsequent actions.

372799 - AWE10 uses different date format than AWE 8 Risk

AWE10 uses different date format than AWE 8 and it could cause to report incorrect values.

Severity: Medium

Resolution: This is not an issue but rather a new behavior of AWE 10.


This is how AWE 8 reports the date/time format:

After you upgrade to AWE10, you will need use the new format for the Format date time action, hh should be changed to use capital H and mm should be changed to M:

372669 - Trying to use the Getfiles action for SharePoint and getting errors

Error when attempting to use the GetFiles action to a SharePoint location.

Customer is receiving an error when attempting to use the GETFiles action to a Sharepoint location.

The error is as follows: Sharepoint failed Error:Virus status already exist

Severity: High

Resolution: There is currently no fix for this issue. The Globalscape tech support team is working on a solution to include in a future update

Workaround: There is currently no workaround for this issue.

372815 – “On Error Codes” are different from AWE 8 to AWE 10

If custom error codes are used in error handling, AWE logic to might behave differently than AWE 8.

Severity: Medium

Resolution: This is not an issue but rather a new behavior of AWE 10.

Workaround: Review and refactor code for error handling logic (if any) will need to use appropriated error codes