
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

How does Globalscape manage quality in their products?

Karla Marsh


  • All products, all versions


How does Globalscape manage quality in their products?


Test Team Role and Responsibilities:


  • The Test team is responsible for ensuring requirement compliance and validating new feature functionality.


  • The Test Engineering team is responsible for maintaining and expanding our testing efficiency using  automated testing.


  • Both teams participate in extensive load, stress and performance testing.

To maintain Quality Control every build must pass through a 4-step quality check process:


  • Unit testing/and or code review performed by development on any defect fixes and code changes.


  • Automated acceptance testing is executed against the build.


  • A manual test suite which is maintained by the Test department and performs the following functionality:



  • Verification of requirement compliance



  • Verification of regression and legacy support



  • Verification of defect remediation



  • Verification of new feature functionality


  • If required, such as for a Private Patch build, Customer Support provides secondary validation to review code changes and validate appropriate implementation.

In addition to the aforementioned process the Quality Engineering and Test teams do the following:


  • For the EFT product line, we have a 24 x 7 lab which runs continuously to ensure product stability and performance.


  • Metrics are gathered for every major release to ensure against performance degradation.


  • Limit and Load testing.


  • Certification and Compliance testing.


  • Upon release, manual test process for new features and functionality is submitted to Test Engineering for inclusion in the automated acceptance testing suite.

Last Modified: 7 Months Ago
Last Modified By: kmarsh
Type: FAQ
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