
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

Globalscape Holiday Schedule


Globalscape Holiday Schedule

Globalscape support is unavailable in observance of the following holidays:

US Holidays

1/1, 1/20, 5/26, 6/19, 7/4, 9/1,11/27, 11/28, 12/24, 12/25

APAC Holidays

1/1, 1/14, 3/14, 3/31, 5/1, 6/2, 8/15, 8/27,10/2, 10/20, 12/25

EMEA Holidays

1/1, 4/18, 4/21, 5/5, 5/26, 8/25 12/25, 12/26

Last Modified: 2 Months Ago
Last Modified By: kmarsh
Type: INFO
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