
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

Understanding your EFT Arcus monthly charges

Karla Marsh
EFT Arcus


  • EFT Arcus


Your EFT Arcus server is hosted on a virtual machine in the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform. Microsoft charges for using its services based on resource consumption.

You receive an invoice and usage report at the end of each month for your usage of EFT Arcus for that month. The billing cycle begins on the day your EFT Arcus environment is deployed (or when the trial period expires and you choose to move to the paid service).

  • Refer to your quote and the EFT Arcus terms and conditions for specific billing details.
  • Refer to the attached PDF for info about what is included in the EFT Arcus tiers.
  • Refer to the Maintenance and Support Guide for details of your support tier.

The following usage metrics are measured:

  • Users - Number of users that can create and share a Workspace
  • Workflow Steps - Actions within an EFT Event Rule and Actions within an Advanced Workflow Engine workflow.
  • Remote Agents Usage - Number of Remote Agents deployed
  • Data Transfer Usage1 - The amount of data (GB) transferred to and from EFT Arcus, which includes:
    • Files transferred using Event Rules, WTC, Workspaces, or EFT Outlook Add-In
    • Connecting to EFT Arcus to view or edit folders, modify server administration settings, and for self-service management, even without uploading or downloading anything. (In essence, you are downloading that
  • Data Storage Usage - The amount of data (GB) stored in data store(s)
  • VPN Usage - VPN connection and usage incurred when a VPN is used

1All TRAFFIC going through EFT Arcus is monitored, and all TRAFFIC is measured as data transfer usage.

How can I reduce my monthly EFT Arcus bill?

  • Limit the number of users who can create and share Workspaces
  • Avoid duplication or unnecessary Event Rule/AWE steps (Engage Professional Services to optimize your Event Rules and workflows)
  • Attend the "EFT Automation" and "EFT Advanced Workflow Engine (AWE) Essentials" training to learn how to create efficient Event Rules and workflows
Last Modified: 3 Years Ago
Last Modified By: kmarsh
Type: INFO
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