
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

Calculate, show, or hide user disk quota

Karla Marsh


  • EFT v7.4.11 - v7.4.13.x


Disk space management is an important aspect of server administration. A disk quota is a limit set by a system administrator to restrict the amount of file space allocated to each user. Users do not have a specified disk quota by default. In EFT v7.4.13, to improve startup performance, disk quota is set to 0 upon EFT server service start, even when users have files in their folders. With this change, the EFT server service is not bogged down calculating every user's baseline at service startup. Once a user logs in to EFT, the disk quota is calculated for that user. Upon each upload/download by that user, the user's disk quota value is incremented or decremented accordingly. The resulting value is stored for that user (or template), and it becomes the new baseline. When the quota reaches the max specified in EFT, no more uploads are allowed. When files are added to a user's folder "out of process" (e.g., an administrator manually copies files to the user's folder), the size of the files is not added to the user's total until the next calculation. Therefore, what EFT sees as the new "Used disk space" value may not be the same as the actual size of the folder. This can also occur during parallel uploads from clients like CuteFTP, because EFT evaluates each request independently, not in aggregate, when determining whether the request exceeds the quota limit.

The administrator can manually initiate a baseline re-calculation by clicking Recalculate on the user account's General tab, or set the registry override described below to specify a re-baseline period. Another setting can be created to write to the EFT log after a period of seconds if the calculation takes longer than specified.

To specify the disk quota options, create the following registry settings or advanced properties


Registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 7.4\
Cached: yes
Backup/Restore: yes

Value name Description Values
ShowQuotaControls Show or hide quota controls

0 or false= off/hidden; 1 or true = show controls

Although the controls are not displayed when hidden, the functionality is still there.

If the function is enabled, the quota controls are not hidden (JSON requires true or false value)

DiskQuotaBaselineCalculationFrequencyInDays Specify number of days before EFT is to calculate used disk space.

Default = 1 
Min = 0  (user quota is checked upon user login)
Max = 30

DiskQuotaBaselineCalculationTimeoutInSec Specify how long EFT is to wait for the disk calculation to complete. Default = 20 
Min = 0
Max = 
For versions prior to 7.4.13; not applicable to 7.4.13:    
CalculateQuotaForNeverLoggedInUsers When defined, do not calculate disk quota for a user until their first log-in 1 = do not calculate disk quota for a user until their first log-in; 0 (or not defined) = disable this setting
CalculateQuotaForDisabledUsers When defined, do not calculate disk quota for a user that is disabled 1 = do not calculate disk quota for a user that is disabled; 0 (or not defined) = disable this setting

Last Modified: 2 Years Ago
Last Modified By: kmarsh
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