
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

Export EFT user's home folder storage usage stats using PowerShell


This PowerShell script allows administrators to export EFT users' home folder storage usage stats using EFT COM API.


  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or higher
  • PowerShell 2 or higher
  • Windows 2008 R2 or higher
  • EFT Server 7.1 or higher


Download the PowerShell script file into your EFT Server.


  1. Open Windows PowerShell (x86 version) Console
  2. Run the following command:
 # Connects to EFT using current logon user and exports data into CSV file 
 .\EFT.Users.StorageStats.ps1 -EFTAdminHostname "localhost" -EFTAdminPort 1100

 # Connects to EFT using a custom admin username and password and exports data into a CSV file  
 .\EFT.Users.StorageStats.ps1 -EFTAdminHostname "localhost" -EFTAdminPort 1100 -EFTAdminAuthType 0 -EFTAdminUsername "admin" -Password (Read-Host "Password" -asSecureString) 

Script Parameters

  • EFTAdminHostname: EFT Hostname or IP address where EFT listens. Default "localhost"
  • EFTAdminPort : EFT hostname or IP address where EFT listens. Default 1100
  • EFTSiteName : EFT Site name, leave empty to process all sites. Default empty
  • EFTAdminAuthType : Authentication Type to connect to EFT Server. 0: EFT Login, 1: Windows Login, 2: Network Logon. Default 1
  • EFTAdminUsername: Administrator's username
  • Password : Administrator's password
  • SaveAsCSV : Generates output into a CSV file Default $true

Output CSV file


  • SiteName
  • SettingsTemplate
  • Username
  • Email
  • IsEnabled
  • ExpirationDate
  • FullName
  • Homefolder
  • LastConnectionTime
  • PhysicalHomefolder
  • Size
  • SizeFormated
  • Files
  • VirtualFolders
  • InvalidVirtualFolders
  • Errors


Script Execution Policy

Make sure your Server allows execute PowerShell scripts by setting the correct policy.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Reporting Issues


If you find any bugs in the PowerShell script, please open a support case on your customer portal page. Please fill out with appropriate information.


Copyright (C) 2019 GlobalSCAPE, Inc. The copyright to the computer program(s) herein is the property of GlobalSCAPE, Inc. The program(s) may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of GlobalSCAPE, Inc. or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement/contract under which the program(s) have been supplied.

Last Modified: 4 Months Ago
Last Modified By: ramiroguzman
Rated 1 star based on 1 vote
Article has been viewed 4.7K times.
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