
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

Enabling Workspaces for external users on CAC-authenticated Site

Karla Marsh


  • EFT v7.3.40 and later
  • EFT v4.x to v7.4.x stores advanced properties in the registry.
  • EFT v8.x stores Advanced Properties in a JSON file.

When you upgrade from EFT v7.4.x to EFT v8, the non-default settings that you have defined in the registry will be added to the Advanced Properties file during upgrade. (Default settings become part of the EFT configuration files.) For a more on how to use advanced properties, and a spreadsheet of the advanced properties, please refer to the "Advanced Properties" topic in the help for your version of EFT.


As designed, users on CAC-Authenticated Sites are unable to share Workspaces with non-CAC users (i.e., external users). To allow users on CAC-Authenticated Sites to share Workspaces with non-CAC users, a new registry key was introduced to permit externally invited Workspace users to log in via the traditional username/password method.

When enabled, the WTC login page will display a traditional username/password login option as well as a smartcard login button. Internal CAC users are denied authorization if they attempt to login using a username/password. Internal CAC users must use the smartcard login option. External Workspace users will use the username/password option for gaining WTC access.

WARNING This setting should only be used on CAC-authenticated Sites with Workspaces enabled for sharing with external users. If you do not have a Site that uses both CAC and Workspaces with external users, do not set the AllowNonCACUsers registry key to 1; doing so will cause undesirable login behavior.

To enable this feature

In EFT v8 and later:

Add the name:value pair to the AdvancedProperties.JSON file in EFT's \ProgramData\ directory as described in the "Advanced Properties" topic in the online help for your version of EFT.

"AllowNonCACUsers": true

In versions prior to v8.0:

Set the following DWORD value to 1:


Registry Path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 7.3\

Type: bool

Default Value: 0

Cached: yes

Backup/Restore: yes

Description: Set to 1 for true or 0 (or remove) for false.

Last Modified: 10 Months Ago
Last Modified By: kmarsh
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