
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

Issuing FTP SITE commands when connecting to IBM AS400

Karla Marsh


  • EFT v6 and later


On occasion, when connecting to an IBM AS400, and its mounted File System is IFS , you are sometimes required to issue specific SITE Commands in order to perform a upload/download file transfer. This document outlines the process to issue specific “SITE” commands when establishing a FTP connection in the AWE Script. If you are not familiar with the Advanced Workflow Module, or how to edit AWE Script files, please seek guidance from the Globalscape Professional Services Department or Globalscape Support Department.

It is important to make a backup of the AWE Script file you will be working with, in case you need to perform a rollback.

The following steps will walk through the process of editing the related AWE file to issue the Specific Site Command.

FTP “SITE” Connection Command in AWE

  1. In the Site you created in EFT, right-click on the Advanced Workflows node, then click New Workflow. The Create a Workflow dialog box appears.
  2. Provide a name and a description for the workflow, then click OKThe AWE Taskbuilder appears.
  3. In Available Actions pane, expand the Network node.
  4. Click and drag the FTP node into the right pane. The Action Properties dialog box appears.
  5. On the Properties tab, click the Action to Perform list and click Log On. This step will establish our session with the Mainframe.
  6. Click Credentials, and then enter your login information.
  7. (Optional) If needed for your environment, click Advanced. This will allow you to select different FTP connection types and various FTP-specific options.
  8. When finished, click OK. The login step is completed.
  9. Now, before you try to perform file transfer commands, we need to issue specific SITE Commands.

  10. Go back to the Available Options pane, select FTP again, and drag to the right pane.
  11. This time, for the Activity to Perform, click FTP Advanced.
  12. In the FTP Command list, click User Defined.
  13. Under FTP Advanced, add the SITE command in the Parameter(s) box: SITE NAMEFMT 1
  14. Click OK.
  15. Repeat the previous steps 10- 13 again, to issue another SITE Command. 
  16. In the AWE Script window, you can see each of the steps to login to the IBM Mainframe and issue SITE commands.
  17. Now you can specify the FTP Action (Download), and specify the files that you want to use for Upload/Download.

This tutorial just covers the two most asked about commands to issue when trying to perform File Upload/Download operations from Globalscape EFT AWE Module. Please keep in mind that through using this same User Defined field with the FTP object of AWE, we can issue many more specific commands if needed. If you need additional assistance, please contact Globalscape.

Last Modified: 9 Years Ago
Last Modified By: kmarsh
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