
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

Performance Tuning EFT HA Native mode

Karla Marsh

  • EFT, v7.0 and later


Installing EFT in HA mode requires the use of a UNC path to hold the site/server configuration files.  Depending on the location of the shared configuration directory (NAS or Windows File Share) there are certain registry settings that effect how the operation system handles multiple requests over SMB.  These settings also affect how EFT handles Folder Monitors which also rely heavily upon SMB communication between the EFT server and remote directory.

Here are a few listed that can be adjusted to fine tune how the operation system handles SMB traffic which greatly effect EFT performance.

Load balanced Folder Monitor events fail to process files in an HA clustered environment

These settings disable the SMB2 Client Redirector Caches





Folder monitor rules that monitor remote network shares randomly stop working.

      Explains changing the amount of file share requests both the EFT and remote Windows server can handle:

      For EFT:

      1. On the EFT Server computer, click Start > Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

      2. Locate (or create) and then click the following key in the registry:

      3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanworkstation\parameters

        (Make sure that you are editing the lanmanworkstation\parameters registry key and not the lanmanserver\parameters registry key.)

      4. In the right pane, double-click the MaxCmds value.

      5. In the Value data box, verify that the value is 400. The MaxCmds registry entry is a REG_DWORD decimal entry.

      6. Quit the Registry Editor, then restart the EFT computer.

      For Remote Windows System:

      1. Locate (or create) and then click the following key in the registry:

      2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters

        (Make sure that you are editing the lanmanserver\parameters registry key and not to the lanmanworkstation\parameters registry key.)

      3. In the right-pane, double-click the MaxMpxCt value. (On SMB servers that are running a version of Windows earlier than Windows 2000, the MaxMpxCt registry entry is named MaxMpxCount, but has the same function.)

      4. In the Value data box, verify that the value is 400 or more. The MaxMpxCt registry entry is a REG_DWORD decimal entry. (The MaxMpxCt value determines the maximum number of simultaneous, active requests that the server permits from an individual client.)

      5. Quit the Registry Editor, then restart the file server.

Increase "AsynchronousCredits" registry settings to address “insufficient system resources” error in EFT
Changing the Number of Concurrent Threads Used by Event Rules

    This increases the number of threads available for EFT Folder Monitor Rules to use in processing Event Rules.
    Note: This will consume more server resources (memory, cpu) so make sure you have them available.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Globalscape Inc.\EFT Server 4.0\EventRules\FolderMonitorWorkerThreadCount

    DWORD: 64

Last Modified: 6 Years Ago
Last Modified By: kmarsh
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