
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

Subscription Licenses

Karla Marsh
Activation & Registration


  • EFT v8.0.2.23 and later


Internet access is a pre-requisite to complete activation and renewal of a subscription license. EFT reaches out to the server at on port 80 to send the registration request, and receive the registration response back. If EFT cannot connect directly, it will attempt to connect via each DMZ Gateway defined (as a proxy) in turn. If that still fails, please contact Support. There is no manual process for subscription licenses at this time. While it attempts to renew, EFT will display warnings upon administrator login, and will log an event to the Windows Event Log. If your organization has a complex process for temporarily opening a port to allow registration, it might also be helpful to create a Scheduled Timer event rule to remind you when renewal is imminent.

A subscription license key can be used to activate EFT and modules.

  • Click Help > Activate [product name], and follow the prompts to active your license(s). (Register the EFT license first.)
  • The Help > About dialog box displays the subscription license type and the subscription term, which is based on the term dates stated in your invoice.
  • Upon the renewal date, EFT will attempt to re-activate the license and, therefore, must have internet access at that time.
    • If there are additional months/years remaining in your term, EFT will successfully renew and start its countdown to the next renewal date.
    • If your subscription has run out or if EFT encounters any other problem during renewal (such as inability to reach the registration server), EFT will enter a grace period, also indicated in Help > About.
  • During the grace period, EFT will attempt to renew the subscription every hour, if possible, for about a week, before it finally gives up or succeeds. While it attempts to renew, EFT will display warnings upon administrator login, and will log an event to the Windows Event Log. This grace period affords you the time to contact sales and renew if your subscription, if desired.
    • If it succeeds, then the new renewal date is shown in the Help > About dialog box.
    • If it fails, then EFT will enter its pre-activation state, where all modules become disabled and all protocol activity will cease.
  • For details of setting up DMZ Gateway as a proxy, refer to "Enabling DMZ Gateway in EFT" in the EFT help.
  • For more information about registration, refer to the topic "Activating the Server" in the EFT help. (In the administration interface, click Help > Help Contents.) 
Last Modified: 4 Months Ago
Last Modified By: ramiroguzman
Type: INFO
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