If you upgrade an EFT with Acceleration already registered, Acceleration will continue to work as before; however, you will not be able to activate this feature on new installations.
The following registry settings can be used with the Accelerate module of EFT. Each of the values should be created in the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 7.2.
- AccelConnectionTimeout
- Type: Text
- Default: Text
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 4096
- Cached: no
- Backup/Restore: yes
- Description: Connection timeout for FAST accelerated
transfers. If blank, connection timeout in the Copy/Move advanced
options will be used. Otherwise, timeout is specified as X:Y where
X is seconds and Y is bytes. The timeout will then be computed
as X seconds for every Y bytes.
- AccelFileSizeThresholds
- Type: Text
- Default: none
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 4096
- Cached: yes
- Backup/Restore: yes
- Description: Sets the file size thresholds for accelerated
transfers. Form is minMBytes|maxSmallMBytes|maxMediumMBytes. Files
under minMBytes will use HTTPS rather than accelerated transfers.
Files under maxSmallMBytes are considered small files while files
over maxMediumMBytes are considered large files. DMZ Gateway uses
these file size categories to size its internal buffers for improved
- AccelSLLConnectMaxHandshakeAttempts
- Type: DWORD
- Default: 5
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 4294967295
- Backup/Restore: yes
- Cached: yes
- Description: For a single FAST accelerated connection
attempt, maximum number of SSL connection attempts to try in the
presence of SSL handshake errors.
- AccelSSLConnectTimeBetweenHandshakeAttemptsInMs
- Type: DWORD
- Default: 3000
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 4294967295
- Cached: yes
- Backup/Restore: yes
- Description: For a single FAST accelerated connection
attempt, time between SSL handshake attempts in milliseconds.