In most cases, CuteFTP does not have any problems working behind a router. If you are having problems, try doing all your transfers in PASV mode.
If connections or transfers still fail:
- Check with the FTP server administrator to make certain the Server and its network are configured to allow FTP in PASV mode.
- Check your router documentation for information on how to set it up for FTP, or how to open the appropriate ports. FTP generally uses port 21.
- You can define a port range for CuteFTP to operate with under Tools > Global Options > Connection > Assign PORT mode IP address and port range.
- You can try using UPnP (if your NAT or router supports it) to establish a connection properly. You can turn on port mapping under the Tools > Global Options > Connection tab.
Configuration notes
- To perform transfers in PORT mode, or for secure transfers, refer to your router's documentation for information on how to configure the router for such transfers.
- If you are behind a NAT firewall, and the Secure FTP server is on a different network, you can only make data transfers in PORT mode using a Clear Command Channel SSL connection.