
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

PDFs of Product User Guides

Karla Marsh

Most GlobalSCAPE® products are released with in-application help (CHM), online help (HTML5), and a PDF.

After the product is released, the online help is continually updated as errors and omissions are identified, and the corrections are rolled into the next application release. Therefore, for the most up-to-date help, please refer to the online help. Links to each online help file are on each product's support page and in the online help index.

The available guides are listed by product. Click the name of the guide to open the PDF.

If your browser will not open the PDF, right-click the guide's name, then save the PDF to your computer.

Last Modified: Last Year
Last Modified By: kmarsh
Type: Documentation
Rated 1 star based on 27 votes.
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