
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

How do I upgrade WAFS/CDP in a Windows Cluster?

Karla Marsh


  • WAFS/CDP v3.7.x and earlier


How do I upgrade WAFS/CDP in a Windows Cluster?

This article describes how to upgrade the WAFS/CDP Server and Agents on Microsoft Windows Cluster platforms such as Advanced Servers and Datacenter Servers.

Please read the following important information before continuing:

  • To ensure a successful upgrade, review the entire procedure before starting, and follow the procedures in order, as described.
  • If you are unsure of any steps, please contact support for assistance.
  • These instructions assume that the initial clustered setup was performed as described in "Setup for Windows Cluster" in the WAFS/CDP online help.
  • To avoid conflicts, perform the upgrades outside of production hours.
  • The Avcstuff directory is a hidden directory, so you will need to show hidden files and folders in order to see the directory.
  • To display hidden files and folders

    1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
    2. Double-click Folder Options.
    3. On the View tab, under Hidden files and folders, click Show hidden files and folders, then click OK.

Step 1: Upgrade the Server Cluster

To upgrade the WAFS/CDP Server in a cluster

  1. On the WAF/CDP Server, bring the Server Resource offline.
  2. Run the WAFS/CDP upgrade executable on the Server's primary node.
  3. Run the WAFS/CDP upgrade executable on the Server's secondary node.
  4. The upgrade is complete on the Server.

Step 2: Upgrade the Agent Cluster

During the cluster setup, you chose the primary and secondary nodes to determine which computer would hold the Avcstuff directory locally on the C: drive, and which computer would hold the Avcstuff directory in the cluster.

To upgrade the WAFS/CDP Agent in a cluster

  1. Before starting the upgrade of the Agent, copy the Avcstuff directory from the cluster drive to the C drive of the primary node.
  2. In the Cluster Manager, verify that the Agent Resource is offline.
  3. Run the WAFS/CDP upgrade executable on the Agent's primary node.
  4. When prompted to restart the computer, DO NOT RESTART.

    The C:\Avcstuff directory is now upgraded on the Agent's primary node.

  5. Copy the now upgraded C:\Avcstuff directory and paste it over the cluster drive's copy of Avcstuff. (For example, F:\Avcstuff.)
  6. After the copy/paste is complete, restart the Agent's primary node computer and allow the system to start as normal.
  7. At this point, the primary node is upgraded and should be running its initialization scan. You should still have an Avcstuff directory in the root of C: on the Agent's primary node.

  8. After the primary node is restarted and scanned, compare its version of the Avcstuff directory to the local version of the Avcstuff directory. If for some reason your Agent did not start correctly or files are the wrong versions, verify that you performed the steps above correctly.
  9. (Note: For easier future upgrades, you can rename the Avcstuff directory.)
  10. With the Agent Service offline, move the cluster group to the secondary node.
  11. Run the WAFS/CDP upgrade executable on the Agent and allow it to run completely.
  12. When you are prompted to reboot the computer, do so.
  13. Bring the Agent Service back online in the Cluster Manager.
Last Modified: Last Year
Last Modified By: kmarsh
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