' ' FILE: CreateUserListSpreadSheet ' CREATED: 13 OCT 2004 GTH ' PURPOSE: List the users of a site and create an excel spreadsheet. ' Legal notice! ' This script provided as a courtesy, BUT USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. ' You can use this script free of charge, private or commercial. ' No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by GlobalSCAPE as to the ' accuracy of this script or its fitness for a particular use. ' The act of distribution does not constitute any such warranty, ' and no responsibility is assumed by GlobalSCAPE in the use of this script. ' Set SFTPServer = WScript.CreateObject("SFTPCOMInterface.CIServer") CRLF = (Chr(13)& Chr(10)) txtServer = "localhost" txtPort = "1100" txtUserName = "eft" txtPassword = "eft" ' On Error Resume Next SFTPServer.Connect txtServer, txtPort, txtUserName, txtPassword If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "Error connecting to '" & txtServer & ":" & txtPort & "' -- " & err.Description & " [" & CStr(err.Number) & "]", vbInformation, "Error" WScript.Quite(255) Else WScript.Echo "Connected to " & txtServer End If set Sites=SFTPServer.Sites Set oExcel = WScript.CreateObject("Excel.Application") oExcel.visible = true Set oWorkbook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add For i = 0 to SFTPServer.Sites.Count-1 set theSite=Sites.Item(i) Set theSheet = oWorkbook.Worksheets.add theSheet.name = theSite.Name theSheet.Cells(1, 1) = "Users:" arUsers = theSite.GetUsers() For j = LBound(arUsers) to UBound(arUsers) theSheet.Cells((j+2), 1) = arUsers(j) Next theSheet.Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.Autofit Next Set oExcel = nothing SFTPServer.Close Set theSite = nothing Set SFTPServer = nothing