Specify maximum number of Cloud Monitor executor threads per EFT Site


  • EFT Enterprise v 7.4.6 and later

EFT v8.0 and later store Advanced Properties in a JSON file. When you upgrade from EFT v7.4.x to EFT v8, the non-default settings that you have defined in the registry will be added to the Advanced Properties file during upgrade. (Default settings become part of the EFT configuration files.) For a more on how to use advanced properties, and a spreadsheet of the advanced properties, please refer to the "Advanced Properties" topic in the help for your version of EFT.


The Event Rule Monitor Folder process is limited to 3 concurrent threads by default. This means that if you have 5 Cloud Monitor Event Rules monitoring the same folder, and a file is added to the monitored folder, only 3 of the 5 Rules will fire, as determined by the operating system. The 4th and then 5th Rule execute only when one or more of the first three threads are done firing and executing any Actions. If you have, for example, 100 concurrent Monitor Folder Event Rules, they are not all triggered simultaneously.

In EFT v8 and later, add the advanced property to the advancedproperties.json file in EFT's \ProgramData\ directory.

"MaxCloudMonitorExecutorsPerSite": "20"

In versions prior to v8, create the following DWORD value in the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 7.4\


Value name: MaxCloudMonitorExecutorsPerSite

Default Value: 16

Minimum Value: 1

Maximum Value: 128

Cached: yes

Backup/Restore: yes

(There is no 32-bit version because there is no 32-bit OS supported.)