EFT v8.0 and later store Advanced Properties in a JSON file. When you upgrade from EFT v7.4.x to EFT v8, the non-default settings that you have defined in the registry will be added to the Advanced Properties file during upgrade. (Default settings become part of the EFT configuration files.) For a more on how to use advanced properties, and a spreadsheet of the advanced properties, please refer to the "Advanced Properties" topic in the help for your version of EFT.
In EFT v7.3.7, we added an option to disregard the "Modify Date/time" command in FTP/S and SFTP to prevent
users from modifying date/timestamp of files. This can be activated via advanced properties as shown below.
In EFT v8 and later:
Add the name:value pair to the AdvancedProperties.JSON file in EFT's \ProgramData\ directory as described in the "Advanced Properties" topic in the online help for your version of EFT.
"FTPDiscardClientTimestamp": 0
"SFTPDiscardClientTimestamp": 0
In versions prior to v8.0:
Create the registry entries as shown:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 7.3\FTPDiscardClientTimestamp=0
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 7.3\SFTPDiscardClientTimestamp=0
0 = disabled, 1 = enabled (disregard command)