Mail Express cannot connect to EFT after upgrading Mail Express


  • EFT, v7.2.x
  • Mail Express, v4.3.x


Mail Express cannot connect to EFT after upgrading Mail Express.

When using EFT and Mail Express together, it is necessary for them to share certain components, such as the COM API. If these components get out of sync with different versions, they will not be able to communicate.

For integration of EFT and Mail Express you must perform the following steps:

  1. Upgrade Mail Express with the 32-bit version of Mail Express (mail-express-windows-x86-32.exe). (The Mail Express installer is available in the EFT installer.)
  2. You will receive a prompt about COM upgrade; click Yes.
  3. Verify Mail Express is upgraded completely.

At this point when you access the EFT integration page in Mail Express and click Test, you will be presented with this error: Unable to connect to EFT. This error is caused by Mail Express and EFT no longer being able to communicate because of the different COM version.


If necessary, contact Globalscape Support to get the COM version that was bundled with EFT (Support can get it from Developer_Backup\EFT\EFT6Installer\Archive\7.2\(2015-10-21-09-14)-\Internals). 

To fix this error:

  1. Stop the EFT server service.
  2. Stop the Mail Express server service.
  3. Go to the following path:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
  4. Rename the Globalscape folder to "Globalscape OLD."
  5. Contact Globalscape Support to get the COM version that was bundled with EFT (Support can get it from Developer_Backup\EFT\EFT6Installer\Archive\7.2\(2015-10-21-09-14)-\Internals).
  6. Run eft-com-interface-installer.exe.
  7. Verify a new Globalscape folder is recreated under C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files.
  8. Start the EFT server service.
  9. Start the Mail Express server service.
  10. Login to the Mail Express administration portal.
  11. In the left pane, expand the Configuration menu, and click EFT.
  12. On the EFT Configuration page, click Test.

 Mail Express should be successfully communicating with EFT now. You can also verify connection by clicking Configuration>Mail Server and pressing the Sync button (it will pull the latest from EFT).