Configuring Terms of Service Agreement for WTC


  • EFT v7.1 - v7.4.x


EFT version 7.1 and later supports a Terms of Service agreement in the HTML5 version of the WTC. The agreement appears after the customer has logged in. Many customers would like the agreement to appear before the user enters a username and password. Below is code you can use to display the agreement before the user logs in to the WTC instead of after they are in.

  1. Using a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++, open the Login.htm page.
    (By default located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Globalscape\EFT Server Enterprise\web\public\EFTClient\Account).
  2. Search the file for "script".
  3. Type or paste the following code after that line.
  4. <script type="text/javascript">
    function show_alert()
    var r=confirm("PLACE Terms of Service HERE.");
    if (r!=true)
    alert("You must press 'OK' to continue");
    while (r!=true);

  5. Find <body>; this is the start of the HTML code for the Login.html page.
  6. Replace this with <body onLoad="show_alert();">
  7. Save and open a browser to https://localhost on an EFT Enterprise or SMB server.
  8. A dialog box should now appear.