For instructions for installing or upgrading EFT v7 and later in an HA active-active cluster, refer to KB #11271.
EFT can be installed in an active-passive cluster for failover clustering or (in v7 and later) an active-active cluster for "always on" high availability (HA) service.
Separate instructions are provided below
- Installing EFT in an active-passive failover cluster
- Upgrading EFT in an active-passive failover cluster
Print this topic and check off the steps as they are completed.)
If needed, refer to EFT installation instructions in "Installing EFT Enterprise, Administration Interface, and Modules" in your version of EFT help.
EFT upgrades are supported for up to two major version numbers based
on the product life cycle. For example, you can upgrade EFT Enterprise
7.0.x or 7.1.x to EFT Enterprise 7.2.x.
See also Upgrading EFT.
Installing EFT in a Failover Cluster Configuration

Microsoft Failover Clustering, Symantec’s Veritas Cluster
Server, or other third-party cluster manager according to
your cluster manager vendor’s documentation.

Make sure
the node that you are installing on has access to the shared
resource disk (i.e., the clustered disk or clustered storage
pool or Cluster Shared Volume (CSV), as appropriate to your
cluster environment.

Run the EFT installer on the node that has
access to the clustered (shared resource) disk. Follow the
prompts and refer to Installing
the Server, Interface, and Modules, if necessary.

On the
Choose install type
page, click active-passive cluster,
then click Next. When
the confirmation prompt appears, click Yes
to confirm that you have read the cluster documentation.

A prompt
appears asking "Is this the first node in the cluster?"
Do one of the following:

On the
Choose Install Location
page, specify the installation location on your local physical
drive, and then click Next.

the Choose EFT Enterprise
configuration data location page, specify the shared
resource disk, and then click Next.
Note: If you cannot browse
to the shared resource disk, then the clustered disk is offline
or assigned to the other node. CANCEL the installation and
verify that the clustered disk can be accessed on the node
you are installing on, and then restart the installation process.

the prompts in the wizard to continue the installation (create
the EFT administrator account, configure ARM, etc.).
You must specify a remote SQL or Oracle server for the ARM database.
Do not use a local database, such as SQL Server Express.

On the
final page of the installer, ensure that the Start
the EFT Enterprise service check box is NOT selected,
and then click Finish.

Use the
third party's cluster administrator tool to move (assign)
the clustered disk resource to the second node.

steps 3 – 9 on the second node. (Be sure
to click No to the prompt "Is this the first node in the cluster?")

On the
second node, use the third-party's cluster administrator tool
to create a new clustered role: generic service > EFT Enterprise,
linked to the desired shared resource drive (described in
step 2), optionally replicating the following registry settings
in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GlobalSCAPE Inc.

the role is created, the EFT service on the second node will
be started by the cluster. Launch the EFT administration interface,
connect to the EFT on the second node, configure
EFT, and license
the product and any add-on modules.
Make sure you specify a Site root folder on the shared resource
drive when creating your first Site. (For example: Site Root =

Once you
have configured EFT to your liking, make the first node in
the cluster the group owner, then license EFT and any add-on
modules in that node. (Notice that EFT on the first (primary)
node picks up all configuration done to the second node, because
the nodes share the configuration files.)
Upgrading EFT in an Existing
Failover (Active-Passive) Cluster
The checklist below is for upgrading an EFT version 6.4 or later that is already
installed in a cluster configuration.
NOTE: EFT v7.4.11 is using a new SFTP library; therefore, for FIPS you will need to have new keys. Before upgrading, export and convert your SFTP keys. The new version only creates RSA keys in OpenSSH new format. (You can't generate DSS keys and save keys in format.) Refer to SFTP FIPS in the help documentation for more information.

your credentials: EFT administrator and SQL or Oracle database
owner (unless using Windows authentication).

rollback and disaster recovery (DR) operations:
Run EFT's Backup Server Configuration
tool (available in Enterprise only).
Backup your entire EFT configuration
folder located on the shared resource drive.
Backup your database (performing purging,
if necessary).
(Optional) Route traffic to your DR
site to avoid downtime.

the third-party cluster administrator tool and take the cluster
offline. Also take the EFT Enterprise clustered role (formerly
called "clustered applications and services") offline.
Note: Microsoft’s failover cluster will bring down
the disk resource when the role is stopped. You may need to detach
the clustered disk from the role and bring the clustered disk
resource back online so that the installer can write files to
the clustered (shared resource) disk.

Run the EFT
installer on the node that has access to the clustered (shared
resource) disk.

the Prior version detected
page, click Upgrade cluster,
and then click Next.
When the confirmation prompt appears, click Yes
to confirm that you have read the cluster documentation.

A prompt appears asking
"Is this the first node in the cluster?" Do one
of the following:

the Choose Install Location
page, verify that the Destination
Folder matches the
current program install directory, typically C:\Program
Files\Globalscape\EFT Enterprise, and then click Next.

the Auditing and Reporting
database configuration page, click Configure
Auditing and Reporting (most likely) or skip if auditing
is not being used (rare). Click Next.

Use existing SQL Server
or Use existing Oracle database,
as appropriate, and then click Next.

Upgrade an existing EFT ARM
Database, and then click Next.

your database credentials if using SQL or Oracle authentication,
otherwise click Windows authentication.
Click Test to verify
your database connection. After the database credentials have
been verified, click Next.
Do not proceed with the installation if you are unable to validate
your database connection. Contact Globalscape
support or your database administrator for further assistance.

the Confirm Database Upgrade
page, verify that all upgrade requirements have passed. Once
verified, select the check box to confirm your understanding
of the upgrade process, and then click Install.

the final page of the installer, ensure that the Start
the EFT Enterprise service check box is NOT
selected, and then click Finish.

the third-party cluster administrator’s tool to move (assign)
the clustered disk resource to the second node.

step 4-14
above on the second node, making sure to click No when the prompt asks "Is this the first node in
the cluster?" You will not be prompted to upgrade the
database for the second node.

the second node has been upgraded, use the third-party cluster
administrator to reattach the clustered disk resource to the
EFT resource role, then subsequently bring the role and cluster
back online.

If applicable
you can start routing traffic back from the DR site to the
primary. Repeat the cluster upgrade procedure on the DR site
once you feel confident with the new version.