When a potential Internal user picks up a Mail Express package before creating an Internal account, both an Internal and External account are created


  • Mail Express, v3.1 - v3.3.4

Note: Each of the issues below are resolved in v3.3.5.


When a potential Internal user picks up a Mail Express package before creating an Internal account, both an Internal and External account are created.


To avoid both accounts being created, create a script that can be deployed (via Group Policy or other management system) when a user logs in to the network to automatically open Internet Explorer (IE), navigate to the Mail Express Internal Portal (thereby creating the Internal User via Single-Sign-On), and then close IE.

Note: Active Directory and Kerberos authentication must be configured and enabled in Mail Express for SSO to work.

Example script:

start /MIN /d "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer" iexplore.exe <internal portal URL>
PING -n 10 localhost >NUL
"C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe" /f /t /im iexplore.exe


Mail Express has three types of standard users: Internal, External, and Pick-up Only. Internal accounts are created either by connecting with an Outlook Add-in, logging in to the Internal Portal (using AD credentials), or an administrator manually creating an account. External accounts are created either by the Invite process, Pick-up authentication process, or an administrator manually creating an account. When a user receives a file via Mail Express that requires authentication to download, they are asked to either log in with credentials that have already been created or they must create a new account. If they need to create a new account, that account with be either External or Pick-up Only (depending on what the sender has specified). If that recipient also has the ability to create an Internal account, but has not yet created one, an Internal and External (or Pick-up) account could both be created.