404 error page displays Tomcat version


  • Mail Express, all versions


404 error page displays Tomcat version:


Tomcat has an attribute on the connector within server.xml to override the Server header, which in turn overrides the Server header for the HTTP response. If set, the value for this attribute overrides the Tomcat default and any Server header set by a web application. If not set, any value specified by the application is used. If the application does not specify a value, then Apache-Coyote/1.1 is used.

If you do not want the Apache Tomcat version to appear in the HTTP Status header, do one of the following:

  • The HTTP Server header can be changed by adding a static header to the "mailExpressApplication.staticHeaders" section of the staticConfig.xml file. However, staticConfig.xml is overritten during upgrades.
  • The HTTP Server header can be changed by adding a "server" attribute to the "Connector" nodes of the conf\server.xml file. Mail Express attempts to migrate user changes to this file during upgrades, but this isn't always possible. The value of the "server" attribute will be used in the "Server" HTTP header for responses serviced by that connector.
  • The HTTP Server header can be changed by changing the "server-info" string value. The "server-info" string value can be set by adding "-D" parameters to the conf\MailExpressServerService.conf file. Look for the wrapper.java.additional section. To use the Tomcat "server-info," add -Dgsb.info.type=tomcat (the default is -Dgsb.info.type=me). To specify an arbitrary value, use the -Dgsb.server.info=MyCustomValue switch. If both switches are present, "info.type" takes precedence over "server.info".


During upgrades, the .conf file is backed up to C:\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\Mail Express\backup\<date_time>\conf, and then the .conf file in ..\Mail Express\conf is overwritten with the upgrade.