Does EFT Server have some sort of reporting or logging feature for troubleshooting?


  • EFT, version 6.0 and later


Does EFT have some sort of reporting or logging feature for troubleshooting?


Yes! ARM includes the following preconfigured troubleshooting reports in which you can include or exclude fields to create custom reports:

  • Troubleshooting - Connection Errors - This report displays the number of connection errors occurred while connecting to a Site.
  • Troubleshooting - IP Address Activity (Detailed) - This report displays the details of the user, the date/Time on which the user logged on to EFT; other details such as local port, socket result ID, protocol, password, physical folder name, virtual folder name, and so on are also displayed. To view this report, you must specify the IP address in the Enter Report Parameters dialog box that opens when you click Show Report.
  • Troubleshooting - Operation Errors - This report displays protocol error codes and corresponding commands, sorted in reverse chronological order. The report includes the date and time the error occurred, remote IP address, protocol used, username, command, filename, virtual folder, and result (e.g., transfer completed).
  • Troubleshooting - Event Rules Failures - This report displays failures related to the Event Rules.

For details of ARM reports, refer to "The Auditing and Reporting Module" section of the EFT help documentation.

You can also use the EFT logs to assist with troubleshooting:

  • The main EFT activity log is saved in the Logs subdirectory of the installation directory (e.g., C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\GlobalSCAPE\EFT Server Enterprise\Logs; on Windows 2008, Application Data files for all users are in a hidden folder named %systemroot%\ProgramData). The file name depends on the log file format (ex, in, nc) and the date/time it was created. For example, a log file in the Microsoft IIS format created on August 22, 2007 is named in070822.log.
  • When EFT Server’s Download and Copy/Move Action offloads or downloads files to/from other servers, the session is recorded to a client log file: cl[yymmdd].log, e.g., cl060312.log.
  • HTTP request headers, Authentication Manager activity, and Configuration load activity, can be saved to the EFT.log file using Log4Cplus logging.
  • EFT service startup and failure events appear in the Windows Event Viewer Application Log.
  • Auditing and Reporting module (ARM) errors can be logged to a text file and viewed in the Windows Event Viewer.
  • AS2 information is logged to the ARM database.

For more information about logging, refer to the online help for your version of EFT.