Unable to create socket on port 21

This socket error error is generally the result of running the Microsoft IIS FTP server and the GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP server on the same computer.

By default the FTP server in Microsoft IIS binds to port 21 on any and all IP addresses. If you want to run both the IIS FTP server and GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server, you will need to disable socket pooling for the IIS FTP server.

To disable socket pooling in IIS FTP server

In Microsoft Internet Information Services, stop the FTP site (see below).

  1. Open a command prompt window (see below).
  2. Change directory (cd) to C:\InetPub\Adminscripts.
  3. Type CSCRIPT ADSUTIL.VBS SET MSFTPSVC/DisableSocketPooling TRUE and press ENTER. You should get a response like this: disablesocketpooling : (BOOLEAN) True
  4. Exit the command prompt and restart the FTP site. This should prevent IIS from binding to all IP addresses on port 21, freeing up an IP address for GSFTPS sites on the default FTP port of 21.

More information on Microsoft IIS socket pooling is available at:



These links discuss the IIS Web server, but the same information applies to the IIS FTP server.

To open a command prompt window and change directories

  1. Click Start > Run.
  2. Type cmd and click OK. The command prompt appears.
  3. Type cd InetPub\AdminScripts and press ENTER.
  4. You should now see C:\InetPub\Adminscripts>.

To stop and start an IIS FTP site

  1. Right-click My Computer, then click Manage. The Computer Management window appears.
  2. In the left pane, select Services and Applications.
  3. In the right pane, double-click the Internet Information Services folder. New items appear in the right pane.
  4. In the right pane, select Default FTP site.
  5. On the main menu, click Action > Stop to stop the FTP site, or Action > Start to start the FTP site.