
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

Removing "Lost Password" and "Reset" from the Mail Express Login Page

Karla Marsh
Mail Express - DEPRECATED


  • Mail Express v4.x and later


This article describes the process to change specific cosmetic features of the Mail Express Internal Login Page. You are not changing the actual functionality.

If you are not familiar with Mail Express or how to edit HTML files, please seek guidance from the Globalscape Professional Services team.

Be sure to back up any files that you plan to edit.

When you go to the Mail Express Internal Portal Login page, the default screen look like this:

In this example, the client has requested that they do not want the Internal users to see theLost Password” link or the RESET button.

To remove the Lost Password link and Reset button

  1. The first thing we are going to do is locate the 2 HTM files we will be working with:

    • BaseSignInPanel.html
    • MailExpressSignInPanel.html

    NOTE - Please pay careful attention to the location of these files, as there are different directories that contain the same-named files.

  2. Locate the directory:

  3. %SystemDrive%\Program Files\GlobalSCAPE\Mail Express\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\com\globalscape\mailexpress\web\components

    Your specific installation may be different, however it is important to notice from where \Mail Express is installed, and locate the above referenced directory.

  4. At this point, make a backup of the two files we will be editing, in case you need to restore to the old settings.

  5. Edit the 1st file: MailExpressSignInPanel.html

  6. Delete the yellow highlighted lines as shown above. (The a href="lostPassword" line and the "input type="reset" line.)

  7. Next, edit the 2nd file – BaseSignInPanel.html

  8. Again, delete the entire yellow highlighted line above. (The "input type="reset" line.)

  9. Open Windows Services and restart the Mail Express Server service.

  10. After the service has restarted, open and refresh the login page to verify your changes.

Last Modified: 8 Years Ago
Last Modified By: kmarsh
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