
GlobalSCAPE Knowledge Base

Cannot send mail with the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer (SAT) module

Karla Marsh


  • EFT Server v6.2 and earlier


Cannot send mail with the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer (SAT) module.


Most of the time, if the sendmail.aspx page does not appear or you receive an error message when you first install the SAT module, the SAT module has not been configured properly. The table below lists common situations and probable resolutions.



"Configuration Error Found"

A variety of problems can cause SAT to be unable to connect to EFT Server. A common problem is that incorrect values were chosen during installation (e.g., the wrong IP address or port number was provided) or IIS, .NET, and SAT were not installed in that order (in which case you will need to re-register IIS with .NET by running the ASP.NET registration tool). If you receive this error, verify the values supplied for configuration variables in the web.config file are correct. For example, perhaps when you installed the SAT module, you provided "localhost" as the IP address, but the EFT Server is on a remote computer. You should edit the configuration file to specify the correct IP address. (You can edit the file from within IIS, as described in the help topic.)

"The current identity (NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE) does not have write access to <framework directory>."

This error can occur on a Windows 2003 computer when Microsoft .NET 3.5 is installed BEFORE Microsoft IIS is installed. If this occurs, simply provide the network service with write access to the framework directory (e.g., C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5).

Refer to Ad Hoc Properties Missing ASP.NET Tab for the procedure for registering ASP.NET, which often fixes the problem.

Failed to Access IIS Metabase

On operating systems before Windows 2008, this error indicates that the .NET Framework is not registered with IIS. The .NET Framework detects which versions of IIS exist when the .NET Framework is installed, and it automatically registers itself with IIS. If IIS does not exist when .NET Framework is installed, the .NET Framework is not registered with IIS. Reinstalling IIS after the .NET Framework has been installed does not help.

If you receive this error, run the ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool, a program that comes packaged with the .Net Framework, to register it with IIS. Refer to AdHoc Properties Missing ASP.NET Tab for details.

You are unable to transfer files larger than 30 MB.

If you expect to upload files 1 GB or larger, we strongly recommend that you install EFT Server on the same computer as IIS and edit the value for UploadProtocol in the Secure Ad Hoc Transfer's Configuration File. Also see Overriding IIS's Maximum Transfer Limit.

The Configure IIS page of the installer does not display the available IIS Web Sites

To make the SAT module work with Microsoft IIS 7, you will need to edit some settings in Windows 2008/IIS and SAT's configuration file. Refer to the KB article#10510 - FIX: Secure Ad Hoc Transfer errors with Microsoft IIS 7 for details.

You receive a 50x error after the installer is finished and the EFTAdhoc (sendmail.apx) page is launched.

Using SAT 2.0 on 64-Bit operating systems

The SAT module can be installed on Windows Server 64-bit OS; however, you must first enable 32-bit applications to run on the system.

Using the the SAT module with IIS 7.0

In order to install SAT 2.0 correctly with IIS 7.0 you will need to enable (select) several IIS features. On operating systems other than Windows 2008, you will need to install .NET Framework 3.5 AFTER these features are enabled. Refer to BEFORE Installing the SAT Module with IIS 7.0 for details.

Using SAT with Active Directory

The SAT module can work with Active Directory (AD) authentication, after you edit some settings in the configuration file and specify an alternate form of authentication in IIS.

"Unexpected Error 0x8ffe2740 Occurred" Error Message When You Try to Start EFT Server

Microsoft IIS uses port 80 for HTTP communication. If you are running the IIS FTP server and EFT Server on the same computer, you can do any of the following:

  • In IIS Manager, change the port bindings for the Web site to a port other than port 80.

  • Stop the application that is using port 80, and then start the Web site from IIS Manager.

  • Change EFT Server’s HTTP port and then reset IIS (or the other application binding that port) to port 80 if IIS (or the other application) takes precedence over EFT Server. For more information, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article #816944.

Last Modified: Last Year
Last Modified By: kmarsh
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